
揮別2006 Goodbye 2006

時間是不等人的,2007轉眼已經過了一天,在我家屋頂看著台北101的煙火,也回想這一年做了些什麼。2006的前半年在美國度過,因為去了美國讓我的思想有所改變,在美國交了一些好朋友,Devin , Mark , 老Mark,Tammy 和Sara都是幫助我很多的朋友,特別感謝Teichroew一家人對我的照顧,他們都很有耐心的聽完我的破英文,並瞭解意思,讓我在明州-10度的環境倍感溫暖,當我在美國時我非常好的朋友與我的堂妹結婚了,很遺憾的是他們的婚禮我沒有參加到,也在10月份生下小孩,在這邊誠心的祝福他們幸福美滿。從美國回來之後就開始找工作了,也很幸運的花1個月就找到現在這份程式設計師的工作。但在美國這段時間根本就沒有在碰程式,每天所面的的是分開來看的懂合起來不知道意思的豆芽菜(英文)。程式是在找工作的期間才再惡補,所以能得到這份工作我也只能說太幸運了,在這家公司也有5個月了,真的很感謝我的同Dauw哥, Michael , Charles和 Johnny,感謝他給我指導。
在新的一年也沒有什麼特別的計畫,最重要的是不要後悔你做過的事吧!!這樣每一年的新的開始也就沒有遺憾了 ,最後祝大家新年快樂。

Time is never waiting people. Now is the begin of 2007. When I was looking the Taipei 101 firework on my roof. I was thinking about what have I done in 2006. I went to USA 6 months for study English. This experience changed me a lot(except English, haha). I made some friends .Devin,Mark,Tammy and Sara I wanna thank them. Thank them for be patient with my poor English. Especially I wanna thank Teichroews. They treat me like I am a member of this family.
My best friend and my cousin got marry when I was in USA. I am so sorry I can't participated the wedding. Now they have a girl. She is so cute. I didn't re-study about computer programs in USA. I did that during I was looking for work. I used a lot of time to practice English conversation. I am very luck to have the job(computer programmer) now. I also wanna thank my coworkers . They are nice guys.
In the new year I don't have special plans. Most important thing is don't do any thing that make you regret and do things that if you don't do you'll regret.
Happy New year :)

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happy new year