
7-11 seven-eleven

今天不怎麼想吃平常吃的中餐,所以就想買個點心就好,至少不要讓我的肚子太餓。中午就跟小查(我的同事)一起到很遠的7-11買大亨堡,雖然在公司附近的全家也有賣,不過我跟小查一致認為大亨堡就是要吃7-11的,所以不管多遠,不管天空已經下起綿綿細雨,我們還是決定要到7-11。到了7-11我們就朝著大亨堡的巴檯走去,拿了兩個麵包,一個給小查,一個給我自己當我把麵包的包裝拆開要把麵包倒到大亨堡專用盒子的時候,先被我倒出來的不是麵包,而是一隻令女人及小孩聞風喪膽的"小強",這隻小強雖然在麵包裡不籌吃不愁穿,終究被死神召喚,我看著小強的遺體,跟櫃臺離我最近的的女店員說"我想要換一個麵包,因為裡面有小強",那女孩對我說:那隻小強不是從袋子裡掉出來的,他是陣亡在袋子外面...... Orz

This noon I didn't want to eat normal lunch, I wanted something different.Charles(my co-worker) and I decided to get Hot Dog in 7-11.There is another store named "Family" is near by my company, but we think 7-11 provides the best Hot Dog. So no meter how far we want to go to 7-11 to get the best Hot dog.When we got 7-11 we went to the hot dog bar to get two bread. One for Charles the other one for me.When I placed the bread upside down for put the bread into the box. The bread didn't come out but I found a roach in the box...a dead roach. I told to a salesclerk what I found,then I ask her for exchange the bread.She said "the roach didn't come out from the inside of bag it come out from outside of bag......."Orz
