剛結束的ING馬拉松其實我也有報名,但我並沒有參加到,原因是我睡過頭,而我睡過頭的原因是我的鬧鐘沒有響,鬧鐘沒有響的原因是我沒有把開關打開,所以就算我前一天晚上睡覺前有設定鬧鐘的時間為5:30 ,但因為我的愚蠢沒有把開關打開,導致鬧鐘不會響,千錯萬錯都是我的錯。
但其實我有跑,我確確實實有參加ING路跑 "在我的夢中",我還看到跟我一起報名的五專同學余,只是他在我夢中跟現在的他有些不一樣,到底有什麼不一樣,有....他變胖了,我記得他瘦很多阿!這時我的雙眼睜開,發現房間充滿光線,翻身往鬧鐘那邊一看,『掯......睡過頭了啦!!!!!!』
ING Marathon was just close. Actually I 'd registered but I didn't participate. The reason is I oversleep. Why I oversleep that because my alarm didn't work. The reason why the alarm didn't work is I forgot turn on the alarm. Even though I set up the alarm was 5:30 before I went to bed last night. That's so stupid to forget to turn on the alarm after I set up. Every wrong thing is because of me.
I wanna tell you that I had participate the ING Marathon in my dream. And also, I had seen my friend was running next to me. I felt somewhere is weird. Yeah,her body. She is so fat in my dream. In that moment I opened my eyes and stare to alarm....."shooooooooot.......it's 8:30".