FireFox 2終於發表了,有別於IE的方便與安全,有興趣的人趕快去下載吧!!
FireFox 2有豐富的布景主題(Themes),我最常用的是Noia 2.0 (eXtreme),
下載程式Flashgot 還有針對IE網站的IE Tab ,當然還有很重要的外掛程式如Acrobat Reader、Flash Player、Java、Quicktime...等等,如要知道詳情就上官方網站吧~~
Finally FireFox 2 was published, It's very different with IE in convenient & safety, if you wanna try ,do it!!!
FireFox 2 contains abundant Themes . My favor is Noia 2.0 (eXtreme).
It's also has abundant Extensions . I use Forecasts , Flashgot and IE Tab a lot.
If you wanna use the Plugins like Acrobat Reader、Flash Player、Java、Quicktime...,you just need to download them.
Let's join the FireFox 2 to surfe Internet :)